Gracie Ruiz

Gracie is ISC’s Social Media Manager and spearheads the surrogate referral and content programs. She enjoys creating content and collaborating with surrogacy professionals to bring awareness and support to the surrogacy community, and working with ISC’s surrogates and intended parents to share perspectives from their journeys.

Gracie is a proud mother of two wonderful boys and is happily married to her best friend. She also had the incredible opportunity to serve as a surrogate herself, bringing the joy of parenthood to three families.

“As a social media specialist, I thrive on capturing captivating moments from behind the screen. My passion lies in engaging and connecting with audiences on various social media platforms, and there is something truly fulfilling to me in fostering meaningful interactions online. Assisting others in experiencing the beauty of parenthood has always held a special place in my heart. It’s a dream come true that I cherish deeply.”